Elder Dallin H. Oaks “Pornography” April 2005
Those who seek out and use pornography forfeit the power of their priesthood.
Patrons of pornography also lose the companionship of the Spirit. Pornography produces fantasies that destroy spirituality.
Pornography also inflicts mortal wounds on our most precious personal relationships.
Pornography impairs one’s ability to enjoy a normal emotional, romantic, and spiritual relationship with a person of the opposite sex.
Pornography is also addictive. It impairs decision-making capacities and it “hooks” its users, drawing them back obsessively for more and more. A man who had been addicted to pornography and to hard drugs wrote me this comparison: “In my eyes cocaine doesn’t hold a candle to this. I have done both. … Quitting even the hardest drugs was nothing compared to [trying to quit pornography]” (letter of Mar. 20, 2005).
My brethren who are caught in this addiction or troubled by this temptation, there is a way.Those who seek out and use pornography forfeit the power of their priesthood.
Patrons of pornography also lose the companionship of the Spirit. Pornography produces fantasies that destroy spirituality.
Pornography also inflicts mortal wounds on our most precious personal relationships.
Pornography impairs one’s ability to enjoy a normal emotional, romantic, and spiritual relationship with a person of the opposite sex.
Pornography is also addictive. It impairs decision-making capacities and it “hooks” its users, drawing them back obsessively for more and more. A man who had been addicted to pornography and to hard drugs wrote me this comparison: “In my eyes cocaine doesn’t hold a candle to this. I have done both. … Quitting even the hardest drugs was nothing compared to [trying to quit pornography]” (letter of Mar. 20, 2005).
First, acknowledge the evil. Don’t defend it or try to justify yourself. For at least a quarter century our leaders have pleaded with men, and also with women and children, to avoid this evil.
Second, seek the help of the Lord and His servants. Hear and heed President Hinckley’s words:
“Plead with the Lord out of the depths of your soul that He will remove from you the addiction which enslaves you. And may you have the courage to seek the loving guidance of your bishop and, if necessary, the counsel of caring professionals” (Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2004, 62).
Third, do all that you can to avoid pornography…
Don’t accommodate any degree of temptation. Prevent sin and avoid having to deal with its inevitable destruction. So, turn it off! Look away! Avoid it at all costs. Direct your thoughts in wholesome paths. Remember your covenants and be faithful in temple attendance.
Finally, do not patronize pornography. Do not use your purchasing power to support moral degradation. And young women, please understand that if you dress immodestly, you are magnifying this problem by becoming pornography to some of the men who see you.
We must also act to protect those we love. Parents install alarms to warn if their household is threatened by smoke or carbon monoxide. We should also install protections against spiritual threats, protections like filters on Internet connections and locating access so others can see what is being viewed. And we should build the spiritual strength of our families by loving relationships, family prayer, and scripture study.
Please heed these warnings. Let us all improve our personal behavior and redouble our efforts to protect our loved ones and our environment from the onslaught of pornography that threatens our spirituality, our marriages, and our children.
Thomas S. Monson July 2001 Ensign Magazine "Pornography, the Deadly Carrier"
“How like the elm is man. From a minute seed and in accordance with a divine plan, we grow, are nurtured, and mature. The bright sunlight of heaven, the rich blessings of earth are ours. In our private forest of family and friends, life is richly rewarding and abundantly beautiful. Then suddenly, there appears before us in this generation a sinister and diabolical enemy—pornography. Like the bark beetle, it too is the carrier of a deadly disease. I shall name it “pernicious permissiveness.”
"Some persons struggle to differentiate between what they
term “soft-core” and “hard-core” pornography. Actually, one leads to another.
How applicable is Alexander Pope’s classic “Essay on Man”:
Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
As to be hated needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace. 3
The constant, consuming march of the pornography beetle
blights neighborhoods just as it contaminates human lives.”Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace. 3
Boyd K Packer “Cleansing the Inner Vessel” October 2010
The Lord used the expression “is like unto” to create an image His followers could understand, such as:
“The kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field.”
In our day the dreadful influence of pornography is like unto a plague sweeping across the world, infecting one here and one there, relentlessly trying to invade every home, most frequently through the husband and father. The effect of this plague can be, unfortunately often is, spiritually fatal. Lucifer seeks to disrupt “the great plan of redemption,” 11 “the great plan of happiness.” 12
"Pornography will always repel the Spirit of
Christ and will interrupt the communications between our Heavenly Father and
His children and disrupt the tender relationship between husband and wife."
"The priesthood holds consummate power. It can protect you from the plague of pornography—and it is a plague—if you are succumbing to its influence. If one is obedient, the priesthood can show how to break a habit and even erase an addiction. Holders of the priesthood have that authority and should employ it to combat evil influences."
"We raise an alarm and warn members of the Church
to wake up and understand what is going on. Parents, be alert, ever watchful
that this wickedness might threaten your family circle."
Jeffrey R. Holland “Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul”
April 2010
If we stop chopping at the branches of this
problem and strike more directly at the root of the tree, not surprisingly we
find lust lurking furtively there. Lust is an unsavory word, and it is certainly
an unsavory topic for me to address, but there is good reason why in some
traditions it is known as the most deadly of the seven deadly sins. Why is lust such a deadly sin? Well, in addition to the completely Spirit-destroying impact it has upon our souls, I think it is a sin because it defiles the highest and holiest relationship God gives us in mortality—the love that a man and a woman have for each other and the desire that couple has to bring children into a family intended to be forever. Someone said once that true love must include the idea of permanence. True love endures. But lust changes as quickly as it can turn a pornographic page or glance at yet another potential object for gratification walking by, male or female... lust is characterized by shame and stealth and is almost pathologically clandestine—the later and darker the hour the better, with a double-bolted door just in case. Love makes us instinctively reach out to God and other people. Lust, on the other hand, is anything but godly and celebrates self-indulgence. Love comes with open hands and open heart; lust comes with only an open appetite.
Most people in trouble end up crying, “What was I thinking?” Well, whatever they were thinking, they weren’t thinking of Christ. Yet, as members of His Church, we pledge every Sunday of our lives to take upon ourselves His name and promise to “always remember him.” So let us work a little harder at remembering Him—especially that He has “borne our grief's, and carried our sorrows … , [that] he was bruised for our iniquities … ; and with his stripes we are healed.”
Surely it would guide our
actions in a dramatic way if we remembered that every time we transgress, we
hurt not only those we love, but we also hurt Him, who so dearly loves us.
When we face such temptations in our time, we
must declare, as young Nephi did in his, “[I will] give place no more for the
enemy of my soul.” We can reject the
evil one. If we want it dearly and deeply enough, that enemy can and will be
rebuked by the redeeming power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Furthermore,
I promise
you that the light of His everlasting gospel can and will again shine brightly
where you feared life had gone hopelessly, helplessly dark. May the joy of our
fidelity to the highest and best within us be ours as we keep our love and our
marriages, our society and our souls, as pure as they were meant to be.
parents have a sacred responsibility to teach their children the importance of God in their lives. Those evils, so highly destructive of divine potential, are to be strictly shunned by children of God."
Elder Richard G. Scott "The Sanctity of Womanhood" April 2000
"One of the most damning influences on earth, one that has caused uncountable grief, suffering, heartache, and destroyed marriages is the onslaught of pornography in all of its vicious, corroding, destructive forms. Whether it be through the printed page, movies, television, obscene lyrics, the telephone, or on a flickering personal computer screen, pornography is overpoweringly addictive and severely damaging. This potent tool of Lucifer degrades the mind, heart, and the soul of any who use it. All who are caught in its seductive, tantalizing web and remain so, will become addicted to its immoral, destructive influence. For many, that addiction cannot be overcome without help. The tragic pattern is so familiar. It begins with a curiosity that is fueled by its stimulation and is justified by the false premise that when done privately, it does no harm to anyone else. Lulled by this lie, the experimentation goes deeper, with more powerful stimulations, until the web closes and a terribly immoral, addictive habit is formed.
How can a man, particularly a priesthood bearer, not think of the damage emotionally and spiritually caused to women, especially to a wife, from such abhorrent activity? The participation in pornography in any of its lurid forms is a manifestation of unbridled selfishness."
Thoughts-- by Becky
I am saddened when I hear about the destructive power that pornography has on the lives of those people who are addicted it. It is a darkness that covers and blackens everything that is beautiful and good in this world. Studies show the addictive nature this terrible force has and that nothing good will result from the use of it. Families, relationships, lives are left wounded in the wake of it. Pornography causes damage that cannot be repaired without powerful help, the determination to stop, priesthood blessings, and counseling. The messages from the prophets of God are clear about what I must do: I will avoid this terrible evil, I will protect those I love from it, and I will be strong and a force for good in my home and in my community.
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"We as parents and leaders need to counsel with our children and youth on an ongoing basis, listening with love and understanding. They need to know the dangers of pornography and how it overtakes lives, causing loss of the Spirit, distorted feelings, deceit, damaged relationships, loss of self-control, and nearly total consumption of time, thought, and energy.
Pornography is more vile, evil, and graphic than ever before."
--Sister Linda S. Reeves "Protection from Pornography- A Christ-focused Home" April 2014
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"We as parents and leaders need to counsel with our children and youth on an ongoing basis, listening with love and understanding. They need to know the dangers of pornography and how it overtakes lives, causing loss of the Spirit, distorted feelings, deceit, damaged relationships, loss of self-control, and nearly total consumption of time, thought, and energy.
Pornography is more vile, evil, and graphic than ever before."
--Sister Linda S. Reeves "Protection from Pornography- A Christ-focused Home" April 2014
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